Thursday, May 29, 2008

Drinks With Doug Idea: Books With Doug...with drinks!

Thursday's weather: warm and dry, with the smell in the air of heat and humidity to come. Plants still basking in light and rain surplus, but this will not last. Disappointment: my Siberian Iris have not bloomed this year nearly at all.
Thursday's drink: I'm outta good summery booze. Down to whiskey and mixer.
Thursday's dream ticket: Cyndi Lauper's "True Colors" tour. Sadly she's not coming to DC, which is a total mystery to me. Still, where-ever you are in the country, go and tell me what you think. Only if it was good.

All the hullaballoo about Scottie McClellan's book as me thinking. The Drinks With Doug family should know so much more about this, and more importantly other abuses of our government. So why not a book club?
Well, not so much a book club, with all the estrogen-laden potentiality. Not...that estrogen is a bad thing. It isn't. I've just never - ever - come across a guy's book club.
So let's start a book read that isn't a club or isn't guys or gals or anything other than the book, and what we learn.
At to that point, I propose a book no doubt all of us have heard of, many of us have referenced, some of us have seen the movie (sigh, Robert Redford's so dreamy) and few of us have actually read top to bottom.
I propose we read: "All The President's Men" by Woodson and Bearnbear. Or someone. The guy that Dustin Hoffman played!
I am going to the DC public library this Saturday to check it out. I ask you do likewise. And let's gather together back in a month.
That's pretty much it. Scott McClellan is a douche and his book is completely uneventful except for the cocaine revelation. And we yet to have the account of the abuse of this administration laid bare such that all can see it for what it is, and hold them accountable.


Anonymous said...

A book club's a great idea, but the medievalists I met last month at a conference already beat you to the punch. Therefore, I'm reading History Matters: Patriarchy and the Challenge of Feminism. Historiography, feminist theory, and medieval studies, all in one package. Happy reading.

David said...

Agreed on McClellan, there is something extremely distasteful about someone who rode a White House to fame then telling on them. But in the lexicon of traitors, I am willing to grant partial lenience to McClellan because he was royally f***ed by Rove and Libby.

Even though McClellan is decrying the Washington Game, isn't his supreme punch back just another example of it.

On the bookclub idea, I just donated my entire Nixon collection to the Cleveland Park Library, including that book by "the dumb Blond of American Journalism" and bearnbear

Leah said...

Oo, book club! Er, read. Sounds great, but are you talking about physically meeting up or just commenting here in this venerable forum? I'd be up for the former but not so much the latter--simply because I'm trying to reduce my ratio of computer-spent time to real-life time (and it would require a fair investment of time to keep up with and analyze the reading)....

ritter said...

Book club: good idea, but I cannot partake on current assignment due to my being overwhelmed by new job & reading up on new field. Maybe next cycle.

McClellan: we out here in the hinterland (that's WAY outside the beltway) think it's a bit comical that one of Washington's own turned on his partners-in-crime. He probably just beat the others to the punch. You may take him out of the White House, but you can't take the White House out of him. :|

Cyndi Lauper: I definitely give two big thumbs UP for her new CD...check it out. Based on that alone, I'd recommend seeing her, let alone her previous discography. She'll be in Houston next weekend, but I'll be in Atlanta seeing R.E.M. Oh, the things I do for my music...