Saturday, August 23, 2008

On The Road!

Saturday's weather: moist in the air but still no rain, leaving the ground very dry. Alternately cloudy and sunny, warm and fresh - an end of summer day.
Saturday's drink: none except water, for the airplane
Saturday's link:

I'm 1 1/2 hours from planing up for my two-week work flight. Those of you who know who I am and what I do know exactly where I'm going. Those of you who don't, what are you doing reading this anyway? Just kidding, it's not hard to figure out. I will try to update from the road.

For all those who have responded with such warmth and support regarding my last post; your love means the world to me. It has helped as I navigate a difficult period. And in an unexpected way, once this period of intense work focus passes, I actually look forward to being still, looking at some things, emerging from my cocoon as one friend put it.

That's it for now. Bon voyage to me, and check out what I'm up to on the road!

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